Easter at Jägerhof

Easter provides one of the best opportunities for enjoying creative activities. Anyone can decorate eggs with paints, crayons or pens. Whoever needs a bit of inspiration or simply wants to get into the right mood for Easter-time is most welcome to pay a visit to the Museum für Sächsische Volkskunst.

  • DATES 01/04/2017—23/04/2017

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Here in the Jägerhof, suitably decked out with Easter decorations, true artists demonstrate what wonderful things can be done with eggs. Traditional techniques and the latest highly skilled or sometimes astoundingly simple forms of decoration are presented and also sold at very reasonable prices. In addition, there is a weekend programme with readings, music and talks. Spring is on its way. We are ready and waiting. 

drei reich verzierte, Personen darstellende Eier auf Glasständern
© Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Foto: C. Jacquemin
Museum für Sächsische Volkskunst
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